Don’t let spinal problems hold you back from living your best life. At Superior Physical Medicine, we offer corrective treatment to restore function and improve your quality of life. Discover the benefits of this specialized chiropractic care.
Understanding Corrective Treatment
Corrective treatment is a crucial component of chiropractic medicine that focuses on addressing abnormalities in the spine. Your spine plays a vital role in your body’s functioning, so maintaining its health is essential. Through gentle manipulation, exercises, massage, and other techniques, Dr. Kevin Shaevitz can adjust and repair spinal issues, enhancing your overall well-being.
Recognizing Symptoms of Spinal Problems
Your spine is composed of vertebrae, disc-like bones extending from the base of your skull to your pelvis, providing support to your upper body. When problems arise within the spinal column, you may experience various painful symptoms, including:
- Chronic headaches
- Backaches
- Pain in the knees, neck, and hips
- Persistent fatigue
- Tingling sensation in the hands and feet
Corrective treatment under the expertise of Dr. Shaevitz can help alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by spinal problems, offering relief and improved function.
Common Causes of Spinal Issues
Several factors can contribute to spinal problems, including:
- Injuries
- Infections
- Medical conditions like ankylosing spondylitis
- Natural aging process
- Vitamin deficiencies
Untreated spinal problems can lead to degeneration in three phases, starting from mild and progressing to severe. However, with proper corrective treatment, you can prevent the decline in your quality of life associated with spinal degeneration.
Knowing When Corrective Care is Needed
Determining whether corrective treatment is necessary is best left to Dr. Shaevitz, who will evaluate your condition. Corrective care not only focuses on pain relief but also aims to address the root cause of the problem. By undergoing this therapy, you can enjoy increased mobility, improved posture, and a healthier spine.
Schedule Your Corrective Treatment Today
If you believe that you could benefit from corrective treatment, reach out to Superior Physical Medicine at (714) 692-7139. Our dedicated team is here to guide you towards a pain-free and healthier life.